Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spring finally!

Where I live it has finally become spring. It has been really hot these past few days and everything has grown al green and pretty. This was much needed after such a loooooong winter. Today I decided to go out into the woods behind my house and take pictures since it was so green and got me into taking quite a few pictures. The hardest part was choosing which doll to bring out with me, but eventually I decided on Grace Elizabeth Thomas.

(These have not been edited yet so they aren't my best works.) Grace is such a beautiful doll. She is one of my favorite GOTY so far, and it might be because she is French themed and she looks just a little bit like me. On the bottom picture she is standing on a fallen tree. It was quite cool.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! I'm so excited for it to be spring, are you?

For now,

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Egg Decorating~ With Baymax! :D

Hey there! I am so sorry for my absence on here. Life has been a little crazy because I am participating in my school's musical and have to spend all the time I have after school there, and then I have homework. But I have been taking lots of pictures to post on here, will mostly be posted on the weekend, so make sure to stay tuned!

 Now as many of you know Easter was last Sunday. I do celebrate Easter and got to decorate 8 eggs for this Easter. I had a little help from little Baymax, who even made his own special egg!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

OOTD~ Saige

So today we have ANOTHER OOTD. This one is for my doll Saige , who is the GOTY for 2015. She is the doll that resparked my interest in American Girl and over these past 2 years has gone on many fun adventures with me, including a trip to Gettysburg and Washington D.C! She probably will always be a favorite of mine. The thing that is different about my Saige from the book Saige is my Saige enjoys to be crafty, instead of being artsy, which isn't too much different. She also enjoys to bake, especially with her friends.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Finally A Nice Day!~ Photoshoot

 Wow! For once I actually had a warm winter day. Lately where I live has gotten a lot of snow. And we are supposed to get more tomorrow. So I took the chance to get a lot of photos on this nice sunny day!

Isabelle out in the warm winter sun.

Grace enjoying the warmth today. But I would not recommend wearing short sleeves! >u<

Rebecca posing in the sunlight.

Arwen enjoying some sunlight on her face.

This was quite a big step for me because I normally don't like taking pictures in direct sunlight, but I had to take the chance to get some photos. I hope you enjoyed!

LiveLoveDolls >u<

Friday, January 30, 2015

Liz's Craft Box~ DIY Doll-sized Tattoo Choker

Hey guys. Today I will be showing you how to make a doll sized tattoo choker in 10 easy steps! I know many instagramers (including myself) wear these, and I thought it would be cool to show you how to make one for your doll. It is pretty simple, but it does require quite a bit of patience and also quite a bit of practice. But just like making loom bracelets, after a while you get the hang of it and it won't even take you 15 minutes to make one.

Monday, January 19, 2015

OOTD for Arwen

 Hey there!  So if you did not know I love to try to dress my dolls in fashionable outfits that also show their personalities. I have a very diverse fashion sense and it shows in what my dolls wear. So this week I dressed Arwen in an outfit that matches her personality, and is also "in" right now. This is what I got.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Grace's Welcome Gifts ~ GOTY 2015

Hey guys! So as promised I am going to be doing a review of Grace's Welcome Gifts, which is her main accessories. Grace is the new GOTY for American Girl, and you can check out my post about her on this website! So without further ado, let's get started!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Grace~ The new GOTY 2015

Many American Girl doll fans know that yesterday was the debut of the new Girl of the year for 2015! I was lucky enough to go to her debut, and there was a lot of people there anticipating her. I was able to purchase Grace with her ears pierced (you have to get those done separate and they also cost an extra $16 but she does have her own earring set!), her welcome accessories, and a Boston tee for my dolls (since that is the store I went to and I am trying to get a collection of shirts from different stores.) Pictures of her collection at the store will be posted on my Instagram, so make sure to check those out. So here are some pictures of Grace the doll! I will post some pictures of her welcome accessories and the free goodies I got at the store for her debut in a different post, so stay tune for that soon!